Sunday 9 May 2010

Day 5 Wind against us again - flatter ride and first 60+ ride

Set off from Copplestone early and although the roads were better there were still some very steep climbs(walks). Made Taunton by 3.00 and had Devon Pasties. Then set off on the Somerset Levels because they are FLAT. Made good time and stopped in Glastonbury. A good day apart from the cold headwind. At Taunton we saw a well laden single cyclist who waved. Not long after leaving Taunton Ann noticed we were being followed, and very closely by the same cyclist. We stopped after a while and he said he hoped we didn't mind but he could not go that fAst on his own. He was German and had been on his tour for 8 months, taking in Africa, Spain and now UK. He still wanted to do Scandinavia before he stopped. He evetually left is going to the camp site near Glastonbury Tor. So I had 'towed' the german and Ann for the last 20 miles. We had a search for accomadation. But with only a seedy looking hostel on offer, I went off too search Further afield and found a really good B&B, Magdalene House. Ann is luxuriating in the bath as I type. All in all a good day. Tomorrow we start heading north and to Jane & Marks near Bath where we will have a day off and hopefully wash our clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Oops wrong day last time so... What a good day.Was the German who followed you called Gerhard because he followed Derek and me for three days last year on our R Main bike ride?!
